petnpaw oil portraits
Custom pet painted portraits by

Ricardo Morales Hendry
1 E-mail the following information to:
Your name and contact information plus the photograph(s) of your pet indicating size chosen, subject (head - full body - group, etc.), technique (full color or single color) and any additional information you may consider necessary. If you have any questions please contact me.
2 send 40% of payment using:
ZELLE 561 7145164
Once deposit has been received, a receipt will be mailed to you also indicating the timeframe for execution of the painting.

Begin Your Pet Portrait Journey Here
Photographs must be focused, sharp and with good detail and lighting. Files should be large enough to allow blowing up in a normal size computer screen without pixelating. Normally JPEG files (most common) between 250K and 500k are fine. best photos are normally those taken at the head level of the pet. Additional photographs are always welcome and useful.
Flash lighting is not recommended. Natural light or next to a window is usually best.
About Prices and Quotes If you need a quote for a special size or for an idea that you have, feel free to contact me by email or phone (+1 561-7145164 9AM-5PM Central time). The price for additional head, full bodies, or combination of various pets can only be set after seeing the photographs, planning a size and discussing the painting in general with the you.